Ananta Dave

Ananta Dave was born and lived in India till her late twenties, having studied medicine and qualified as a Psychiatrist before emigrating to the UK, where she now works in the National Health Service and lives with her family. She has always been fascinated with the written word, reading voraciously from an early age and writing her first poem at the age of seven.  She continued writing, though sporadically, till a few years ago when the horrors of COVID-19, both in her professional and personal life, unleashed a powerful urge to share her emotions through poetry.    Blending her insights fRead More...


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An Agony of Hope

Books by Ananta Dave

With An Agony of Hope, Ananta Dave makes a haunting debut into the world of poetry.

Ranging from ref lections on her experiences as a doctor to deeply personal musings on identity, belonging, grief and loss, this collection is hard-hitting and heart-wrenching in equal measure.

The poems take you through the undulations of love and hope, expressed eloquently and unf linchingly. From the raw horror of ‘Waiting’ to emergence from the shadows in

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