
Anya Chaudhary is a high school student at Delhi Public School, RK Puram. Anya was always a voracious reader who discovered a penchant for writing at a very young age and has never looked back since. She finds great catharsis in writing poetry and is an enthusiastic public speaker and pianist. Having published her debut anthology, Anya is currently exploring other forms of poetry, alongside different forms of writing, such as short stories and plays.Read More...


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Moonlit Epiphanies

Books by Anya Chaudhary

A vast ocean of self-expression, rumbling and swaying at its will, peaceful at one moment, unrestful at another. Following journeys of contemplation, realization, and deep appreciation for all that surrounds, an anthology of poems, wherein serendipity abounds. A portal into my realm, I invite you, dear reader, delve in. Find your epiphanies, in my moonlit whims.

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