Ashish Nigam

Freelancer and writer
Freelancer and writer

Ashish is a freelancer, an entrepreneur and an extremely curious person. Always looking forward to explore art, music and creative experiments. He is amused by Indian bands, theatre and artists. Local food or regional inspired compositions hold a special place in his heart. He believes that story telling is an art that connects him with his family and friends. He believes in the magic of life and layers of imagination. He spends his idle time constructing ideas related to self-care, simplicity, silence and creation. Hopes to meet like minds and explore geographies with his stories and thoughtsRead More...


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Lazyखयाल का पिटारा

Books by आशीष निगम

Lazyखयाल का पिटारा आपकी सोच को जरूर कुछ मुद्दों की ओर आकर्षित करेगा। यह सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों से भरी एक कोशिश है। इस किताब में प्रस्तुत तरह तरह के कल्पनाओं पर विचार
विमर्श किया ज

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