B.M.T. Rajeev

Shri B.M.T. Rajeev is a former Indian Forest Service officer of Karnataka (South India). His book “Trails of a Forester” is an autobiographical narration of various thrilling and life-changing incidents and anecdotes in episodes vividly capturing each and every milestone of his long and distinguished career. It dwells on his experience in the field of forestry and wildlife conservation as an executive, supervisor and executive head with prevailing conditions, challenges and opportunities in the forest service and its administration a few decades back and the socio-political milieu of thoseRead More...


Trails of a Forester

Books by B.M.T. Rajeev

Shri B.M.T. Rajeev is a former Indian Forest Service officer of Karnataka (South India).

His book “Trails of a Forester” is an autobiographical narration of various thrilling and life-changing incidents and anecdotes in episodes vividly capturing each and every milestone of his long and distinguished career. It dwells with his experience in the field of forestry and wildlife conservation as an executive, supervisor and an executive head with prevail

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