
Beatrice, a Chennai-based former software engineer turned children's author, brings a unique blend of creativity and logic to her storytelling. Her transition into writing was sparked by her young son, for whom she crafted captivating bedtime stories that have since charmed a wider audience. Her narratives, infused with adventure and ethical lessons, mirror the energetic nature of her 3-year-old. Drawing inspiration from her Tamilnadu heritage, Beatrice's stories weave cultural richness into magical worlds. “The Young Calf,” initially a bedtime fable for her son, marks Beatrice's journey fRead More...


The Young Calf

Books by Beatrice

“The Young Calf” is a captivating tale of courage and self-discovery in a world where the forest's tranquility is challenged by humans seeking trophies, a practice Maalee subtly reveals as misguided bravery. In his journey from aspiring to be a 'striped beast' to understanding true inner strength, the young calf learns about confidence, unity, and the fallacy of false valor.

Ideal for children aged 5 to 9, this book merges narrative with stunning vi

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