Chaharika Uppal

Chaharika Uppal is a high school student. She loves studying people and enjoys literature. She stumbled upon her flair for writing during the summer vacations after her Class 8 finals and realized that it was something she really enjoyed. She has an interest in almost everything from microsurgery to literature and from cartoons to international politics, which helps her relate to the most disparate things concurrently. Read More...


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One Got Away

Books by Chaharika Uppal

One Got Away is a collection of eleven short stories, originally planned as twelve; however, one got away. The collection features gripping stories of people stuck in the Quick Sands of Times from an unusual observer’s perspective. The title is a reflection of the compilation, in that the common strain of the stories is the complex environment of ambiguity, insecurity and uncertainty, which we as civil people weave around ourselves. Society has quintesse

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