Deepa Goenka

Deepa Goenka is a dedicated social worker with a lifelong commitment to empowering women through menstrual health awareness initiatives. She has initiated ‘Project Red’ which aims to destigmatize menstruation in India and provide training and empowerment for the well-being of girls during their menstrual journeys. Her efforts have positively impacted over 65,000 girls, fostering a culture of knowledge and empowerment surrounding menstrual health. Her unwavering dedication and efforts directed at menstrual health education embody her commitment to creating a more informed and inclusive sociRead More...


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Harmony in Red

Books by Deepa Goenka

Authoring a book on Menstrual Hygiene is essential to educate, empower, and enhance the well-being of girls and women, while simultaneously fostering a more inclusive and enlightened society. This book holds significant importance for the following reasons:

1. Education and Awareness: Many girls and women lack accurate information about the menstrual cycle. A book serves as a valuable resource to educate them about the menstrual cycle, its purpose,

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