dhanush mohan


My name is Dhanush and I hail from the little France in India and currently reside in Bangalore working for an MNC.I have a B Tech in ECE and MBA in HR & Marketing. I have coached over 30000 students in basic interviewing skills during my campus visits. My main aim is to help a lot of people escape the coop and make them understand that they are important and they can become a better version of themselves. Being You Matters the Most.Read More...


Be You* Holy Cow!! How did I miss the most important person in the room?

Books by Dhanush Mohan

The most important time that you have is ‘NOW’ or the present, do everything to make it awesome. We are all unique, but somewhere we slip and fall into the rat race only to realise that it ends in the grave.

This book offers a holistic approach to personal growth, focusing on five core pillars described which are Family, Health, Happiness, Wealth & Growth.

And you start improving only when you decide to improve and only when you move your pin

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