Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science

In an ever-changing world, ideation and practices keep evolving. In the Applied Behavioural Science Summit 2021 organised by the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science, eminent professionals and scholars from India and across the globe participated as keynote speakers, paper presenters, workshop facilitators and ‘ideasplashers’ to share their work under various themes. Their inspiring work enthralled the audience. This book, a compilation work, opens new vistas of learning. It is a mind-triggering collection of papers on advances made in the field of Applied Behavioural Science andRead More...


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Emergence: Sculpting New Thinking

Books by Indian Society For Applied Behavioural Science

“A conscious, caring, curious community converged, and the energy was electric. We stretched into new ideas and supported each other in our shared values and commitment. I found it an honour and a privilege to offer and  receive in our time together.” 

– Glenda H. Eoyang, PhD, Founding Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute

“Participating in ABS was about meeting the tribe of those who want to contribute to the world in me

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