
I'm a new author, Induraj, all I wanted is to make yourselves mesmerize and fall in love with the most romantic novel of your choice.  I'm happy to present this wonderful love story in front of  you as a mother of two kids, still very excited in writing stories. I love to lead a happy and simple life. As you may know that "love is in the air", truly love is everywhere. I hope you all will find love and feel from my story. You can share this story with anyone,  may be your first love, crush of your life or your beautiful life partner. I would loudly announce that I'm a daughter of lovely paRead More...


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My Dear ప్రేయసి

Books by Induraj

ఖుషి Cab ఎక్కికూర్చున్నాక, డ్రైవర్ Cab డోర్ వేసి, కార్ స్టార్ట్ చేసి స్లోగా మూవ్ చేసాడో లేదో, ఎవరో Cab కి అడ్డంగా వచ్చి Front Mirror మీద, తన అరచెయ్యి వేసి, Cab ని ఆపాడు. ఖుషి కి ఎవరో క్లియర్ గా కన

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