Ishwar Pati

Mr. Ishwar Pati was born in November 1948 in Cuttack, Odisha. Though a bank executive, his heart has always been in creative writing, for which he draws on his keen sense of observation. He has been a regular contributor of light-hearted middles to newspapers like The Statesman, The Times of India, The New Indian Express, and recently The Deccan Herald. His imagination ranges from the environment to his wife! In this collection of tales from that unique imagination, there's a lesson for children about love of animals and the natural order of things.Read More...


Tales of Tails

Books by Ishwar Pati

The world is full of life. It teems with living beings wherever you look, whether on Earth, in the air or underwater. They range in size from the gigantic whale to the tiniest insect. Each species plays a role in breeding, feeding and weeding before disappearing into the pages of history. Even the great dinosaur has become a thing of the past after ruling over the earth for millions of years. The animals may have gone. But their stories entertain us like schoo

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