Jia Kalita

A lifelong bibliophile, Jia Kalita developed a passion for fiction at a young age, deeply influenced by its exploration of the complexities and depths of human life. Drawing from this influence, Kalita’s writing blends her observations with a rich imagination, creating relatable characters whose struggles and triumphs reflect universal themes of love, regret, growth, and transformation. With a unique ability to weave humour, heartache, and hope, Kalita offers a reading experience that is both accessible and thought-provoking, inviting readers to embark on a journey of self-reflection, discovRead More...



Books by Jia Kalita

In a world where the seemingly ordinary lives of strangers collide with the extraordinary, and where the past haunts the present with a whisper, these stories unravel the delicate threads that bind us to our deepest fears, desires, and secrets.

Dig deep into the hidden corners of the human experience through the eyes of characters caught in a web of their own making, where the line between reality and illusion blurs. From a coffee shop encounter that sh

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