Kashinath, Sanjuktaa

Sanjuktaa Asopa  Sanjuktaa has been dabbling in haiku and related short forms for nearly 15 years and has been widely published in many print and online journals, winning a few awards along the way. In 2016, she co-edited naad-anunaad, a haiku anthology ,with Kala Ramesh and Shloka Shankar and is currently on the editorial team of haiku KATHA journal. Read her poems to know more about her.  Kashinath Karmakar  An electrical engineer by profession Kashinath has been writing Haiku for almost last ten years. His work has been published in several online and print journals. He has bagged sevRead More...


Sound of anklets

Books by Kashinath Karmakar, Sanjuktaa Asopa

A haiku happens when we pause mid-stride to marvel at our oneness with a moment in nature. The 105 poems in this book explore those brief but wondrous moments spanning four seasons and evoke a gamut of moods. Join Kashinath and Sanjuktaa, two of the most seasoned haiku poets of India, to connect deeper with yourself and discover joy. 

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