Krishna Kumar

Like everybody who grows up in India, Krishna grew up surrounded by monuments, talks of history, and awareness of world history, with a particular focus on Indian history, as his father was a part of the Indian independence struggle. Being privy to multiple conversations that his father and father’s friends had, he grew up realizing their views and experiences were mostly different than what was portrayed in the popular narrative. Thus, he began his own search for truth by studying and analyzing events in Indian history. His particular interest has been the period of British Occupation of InRead More...


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Books by Krishna Kumar

This book provides context, analyzes, and narrates the events of 1942, which shook British Rule of India and eventually led to the collapse of the British Empire.

1942: Japanese armies reached the Northeast Borders of India after taking over Burma (Myanmar). Then, the Japanese bombed Madras, Vizag, and Calcutta.

Ports on India’s East Coast were closed. Almost 100,000 soldiers of the British Indian Army and 400,000 civilians- disease-ridd

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