Lakshmanavaradhan G

"Fantasy is knowledge to escape the reality" Lakshmanavaradhan_vicky is a skilled Engineer and a professional day dreamer. He finds pleasure in spending time in his imaginary world and nurturing its characters. In late 2019 he started to pen down the gorgeous topography of his realm and registered his love, hatred and justice through his characters.Read More...


The World of Ancients

Books by Lakshmanavaradhan_Vicky

The world of ancients is a fantasy epic of the untold realm and in this world alliance is a key to unravel the prophecies written on the skull. Young Griffin rider Akello was elected as an envoy of Alaoka to put a full stop to the long-running chaos and vengeance spread across the borders of Alaoka. The Quest on his shoulder was Himalayan but he was not alone. On his adventure, envoys from different landscapes with their mythical beasts joined Akello in establ

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