Mahak Thawani

Apart from being a student of life, Mahak is a student of humanities. She believes in being a jack of all trades but a master of none which is oftentimes better than a master of one. This book is the outcome of the quest, the search for some answers in her life. Apart from writing, she enjoys dancing, painting and cold breezes on her face. Mahak now turns an author with her debut book "justaju".Read More...



Books by महक थावानी

ये जो कहावत है, "नेवर जज अ बुक बाय इट्स कवर", ये इसलिए क्युकी कई बार शीर्षक या खिताब, किताब से इंसाफ नहीं कर रहे होते|  कवर कह रहा कुछ कहानी कुछ और ही है|  जैसे की ये किताब या जैसे की आप, य

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