Monisha Batra


Ms Monisha Batra was born in Delhi. She began writing at the age of 9 and has continued this as her passion in which she desiderated expressing through her poetic words. Besides, she is an amateur rallyist, a vagabond traveler who has travelled across 45 cities, a freelance soft skills trainer, an auto-immune syndrome awareness generator and a person who is definitively opinionated about equality.   Monisha is a single yet non-pampered daughter who has tried to sail through the Indian traditional male dominated society. Very early in her life she understood the importance of self-worth and hoRead More...


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The Eighteen Steps (B/W)

Books by Monisha Batra

Rhythmic, Impulsive, Intuitive footsteps...


Starting-out her poetic Voyage

Sometimes clear, other times a mirage...


Her Life’s Race,

Solving her jumbled maze…


The Traveler in her, her Struggle,

The Puzzled thoughts and the juggle

The Flutter watching the Cloudlets

The Transformation causing a Tear, an emotional outlet…

The Humane touch, the Optimist Wind,

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The Eighteen Steps

Books by Monisha Batra

Rhythmic, Impulsive, Intuitive footsteps...


Starting-out her poetic Voyage

Sometimes clear, other times a mirage...


Her Life’s Race,

Solving her jumbled maze…


The Traveler in her, her Struggle,

The Puzzled thoughts and the juggle

The Flutter watching the Cloudlets

The Transformation causing a Tear, an emotional outlet…

The Humane touch, the Optimist Wind,

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