Mustafa Hassan Ali

Mustafa Hassanali’s approach to poetry writing is purely from his heart which makes him do all that his love wants. He was blessed with the talent to express emotions with words beautifully. The day Mustafa fell in love his talent turned into his passion –he found himself, he found his passion, and he found happiness and satisfaction in his inner self. Mustafa began poetry writing at the age of 9. From performing on stage in his university (Jamea Saifiyah) to helping his friends express their emotions to their loved ones, Mustafa's done it all. Now with Scents of Romance, he shareRead More...


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Scents of Romance

Books by Mustafa Hassanali

Where rules are not involved and everything seems so right,

You know it’s love for certain, a feeling of sheer delight.

Should a list of conditions be set, even if it’s small,

Unconditional love it isn’t, it isn’t love at all!

For when I sat in the darkness with a broken heart indeed,

You came and hugged me tight and said, “Love is what you need.”

Love is simply amazing, I’ve understood this now –


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