
Nadiya Nizar, a Sagittarian born on 24th November, 2000is the eldest daughter of Mr. Nizarudeen and Sajitha.A.I. She had her graduation from NSS College, Nilamel and is pursuing her Master's degree at Govt. College, Attingal. She is an avid reader and a great admirer of music. As a selenophile, she brings the affinity and the serene moments to her works as well. As an aspiring story teller, she finds solace in writing and it is her 'emergency exit' from all the worldly worries.Read More...



Books by Nadiya Nizar

"Melancholic was her heart."

Every reverie is meant to be written down. And so, she began to pour her heart in papers. The joys, hopes, love, despairs, heartaches and pangs of self-love made her a poet. This poetry collection is an amalgam of the inner emotions of a feeble mind. She is giving words for those who are incapable of defining what is in their minds. It is meant to make you feel that you're not alone in this by taking you through a journey of

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