Pallavi Laveti

Wildlife photographer and content writer
Wildlife photographer and content writer

Pallavi laveti is an international award winning wildlife photographer and a content writer who has worked on projects for independent filmmakers and state forest departments. An MBA in HR, she worked as an HR business partner in an investment banking and asset management firm before she quit her job to pursue her passion.Read More...


A Letter from the Sea

Books by Pallavi Laveti

In a fast paced world where judgements are quick to come and feelings are quick to be labelled, the stories and poems in the book dwell deeper, peeling the layers to unveil the more complex undertones of everything we experience, with the occasional touch of the mystical.

In its pages, petrichor can symbolise sacrifice and unrequited love can bring, warmth and closure. In these pages, nothing is as it seems and there is always more than meets the eye.

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A Letter from the Sea

Books by Pallavi Laveti

In a fast paced world where judgements are quick to come and feelings are quick to be labelled, the stories and poems in the book dwell deeper, peeling the layers to unveil the more complex undertones of everything we experience, with the occasional touch of the mystical.

In its pages, petrichor can symbolise sacrifice and unrequited love can bring, warmth and closure. In these pages, nothing is as it seems and there is always more than meets the eye.

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