Prajit Mittal

Prajit Mittal is an author who has embarked on a lifelong journey of exploration and adaptation. Born into a nomadic existence, Prajit has traversed various landscapes, constantly uprooting, and immersing himself in new environments. This unique upbringing has provided him with a rich tapestry of experiences, shaping his perspective and fuelling his creative endeavors. While writing holds a special place in Prajit's heart, he finds inspiration in various forms of storytelling. An avid cinephile, he delights in exploring diverse narratives depicted on the silver screen, immersing himself in theRead More...


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The Forgotten Quest

Books by Prajit Mittal

In the shadowed corners of a forgotten world, a boy named Nicholas uncovers a secret society that holds the key to extraordinary powers. Known as Venefitious, this clandestine group thrives on dangerous tests and ancient knowledge.

Within the halls of Venefitious, Nicholas and his friends are subjected to rigorous training, revealing a society steeped in centuries-old wisdom yet adaptable to cutting-edge technology. However, their path takes an unforese

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