Pratyusha Vemuri

Pratyusha Vemuri's background is richly woven with a tapestry of accomplishments in the dynamic realm of cybersecurity. Her journey spans influential tech giants including Microsoft, Zscaler, Akamai, and Balbix, where she has honed her expertise and left an indelible mark. With a strong foundation in Computer Science, her career trajectory reflects her passion for technology and her commitment to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity innovations. This impressive background showcases Pratyusha's technical prowess and her ability to navigate the intricate landscape of cybersecurity with fineRead More...


Digital Dummies' Guide to Cyber Safety

Books by Pratyusha Vemuri

"In the Digital Jungle: Navigating Cyber Threats and Safeguarding Your Online World"

In a world driven by technology, our lives have seamlessly intertwined with the digital realm. But as we traverse this intricate network of ones and zeros, we often find ourselves vulnerable to cyber threats that lurk in the shadows. "In the Digital Jungle" serves as your definitive guide to navigating this new terrain.

From phishing scams and identity theft to t

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