
PRIYAN born in Kolkata. Educated in Kerala & Kolkata. Career Exposure in Aviation, Tourism, Career -Training and Advertising segments. Widely Travelled in India and Abroad Published two Title in Tourism related subjects               Tourism Discovered and Tourism Directory of India Published Short Story Collection in Malayalam – Title ‘HINDUTHWA’ Maiden poetry collection               Title: Salvador Dali leaps out of frame.Read More...


Salvador Dali

Books by Priyan

Wine wakes you up in twilight

With blushing moon trying to sneak in

Wine ferments, in your melancholy

Drink it when faith leaps skyward

Wine could unshackle your bonds

It sets your soul free, for ultimate sojourn

A tree, termed poetry could offer different aromas

And essences for those who cherish and chase

Myriad slices of experiences

Poetry has alway

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Salvador Dali

Books by Priyan

Wine wakes you up in twilight

With blushing moon trying to sneak in

Wine ferments, in your melancholy

Drink it when faith leaps skyward

Wine could unshackle your bonds

It sets your soul free, for ultimate sojourn

A tree, termed poetry could offer different aromas

And essences for those who cherish and chase

Myriad slices of experiences

Poetry has alway

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