
Puja Kankani is a beacon of resilience and determination. Having navigated numerous challenges, she stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. With an MBA to her name, Puja is not just a revered professional in a leading IT firm, but also a motivational influencer, inspiring many in her circle. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Puja is a passionate dancer, having graced several theatre stages since her younger days. She's also an avid enthusiast of cycling, yoga, athletics, and adventure. A globetrotter at heart, Puja relishes exploring new destinations, delvingRead More...


Beyond Soul Trek

Books by Puja Kankani

"Beyond Soultrek - The Next Chapter of Women Awakening" is a transformative journey of four intrepid souls into the Himalayas. What begins as a trek becomes an odyssey of self-discovery, empowerment, and enlightenment. As they conquer the mountains, they discover the power to change the world within themselves. Their adventure sparks a mission to empower women and spread the message that awakening begins within. Join them on this remarkable expedition and let

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