Dr. Ravi Vanshpal

Dr. Ravi Vanshpal received his Doctor of Philosophy from Vikram University, Ujjain, in 2012. As a theoretical physicist, he is actively involved in research and teaching. He has been drawn to literature since childhood as a source of inspiration and enjoys exploring the intersection of science and creativity in his work. 'The NCC Days' is his first work on fiction, and it weaves his NCC experiences into interesting stories. The book offers a unique perspective on the experiences and challenges faced during NCC training, blending them into a captivating fictional narrative. He hopes to encouragRead More...


The NCC Days

Books by Dr. Ravi Vanshpal

Three cadets, Romeo, Yogi, and Tandon, make up the protagonists of this Book. When they join the NCC and immerse themselves in the rigorous training and discipline of the great Indian Army, they forge deep bonds of friendship and a newfound sense of purpose. In NCC, their life as a cadet revolves around drills, physical fitness, and military tactics. However, this book is not only about the experiences of challenges, tough decisions, and p

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