
Rudrakshh is an author, short-story writer and a contemporary novelist. His work has a blend of realism and fiction uniquely fused with a strong message. His upcoming novels are Confluence and Love at Training Program. He firmly believes in love, humanity, peace, hard work, god and fun. He is a successful software engineer, manager and a mentor by profession, with a bachelor‘s degree in engineering and an MBA. He has written a number of papers, blogs, articles related to leadership, management and information technology in his illustrious career. He likes watching movies, listening to music Read More...


Triambika Omkar

Books by Rudrakshh

“You have woven dreams in your book, yet why does it feel like the ink on each page is expressing only the truth? The story is of Triambika and Omkar, yet why does it feel like they are present in each and every heart that has ever loved?” - A Reader

Love – what an indefinable, wondrous feeling it is! At any age, no one will deny that it is the driving force behind most of our actions in our lives. But why is it that the path of true love

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