My name is Sanjay Chunnilalji Rajpurohit, hailing from the serene town of Pali, Rajasthan. Fate intervened, guiding my family to the bustling state of Maharashtra, where my passion for storytelling blossomed amidst the whirlwind of change. From a young age, I held my friend’s captive with vivid tales springing from my imagination. The release of my debut publication marks a milestone, signifying my commitment to unveiling the ‘hidden world’ within me. I am Sanjay Rajpurohit, a dreamer, a creator, and a storyteller inviting you to explore life through the lens of my vibrant and imaginativRead More...


The Titan Hotel

Books by Sanjay Chunnilalji Rajpurohit

I’m thrilled to introduce you to my created world called The Titan Hotel. Before you dive in, I want to share something important about this story. It’s a bit like a slow dance – it takes its time to pick up the pace, but once it does, you’ll be glad you stuck around.

In the beginning, you might feel like things are moving slowly. Don’t worry, that’s by design. It’s all about setting the stage, introducing you to the characters, and buildi

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