Satyadeva Das

Born in 1950 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Satyadeva Das began contemplating the true meaning of life at 13. At 19, a fortunate accident led him to Tokyo, where he met his spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Initiated by Srila Prabhupada that same year, Satyadeva Das has been on a journey of self-realization for 51 years. Satyadeva Das conducts workshops on awakening and yoga philosophy in California, Hawaii, China, and Japan, inspiring people to live happily in the present and understandRead More...



Books by Satyadeva Das

"Just For Now" is a simple and engaging guide to living fully in the present moment and freeing oneself from the mind's constant chatter. This teaching helps release your consciousness from the illusory world of the mind, often trapped in thoughts of the past and future. It focuses on experiencing life directly and accessing the joy of being connected to the source of existence.

Self-discovery and freedom from suffering can only be realized through pers

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Books by Cārucandra Dāsa

Some 25 years ago, I had been struggling to receive spiritual initiation from a would-be diksha-guru for over three years, but he kept repeating that I was not ready yet. Just about that time (April 1994), I suffered what turned out to be a near-fatal heart attack during a lunch break at my FDA office. They rushed me into the emergency where I underwent triple heart bypass surgery. Three major arteries in my heart had ~98-100% blockages. One of these is the on

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