Er Shailendra Prasad

Shailendra Prasad is an Engineer by Profession, and is in Government Service. He has a Deep, Sensitive Eyes to view the events going on all around us along with its impact on the Common Man of India & the World. His Sympathetic Understanding, A Deep Commitment to the Ethical, Moral & Spiritual Roots of Humanity, & a Unique Way of Expression of the accompanying mental turmoil’s of an Honest Individual thrown into this Cruel World renders his Poetry a Human Touch rarely found in today's times .Read More...



Books by शैलेन्द्र प्रसाद

आधुनिक जीवन जितना धारा समान बहता हुआ दिखता है, उतना सही मे है क्या??

ये सहजता, मुस्कुराहट, हँसी के पीछे क्या कुछ चलता रहता है दिमाग के अंदर  ??

कैसे लोग सामना करते हैं दुख, दर्द, उ

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