Shanmuganathan N

Shanmuganathan N brings a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise to his first book, RIP USD: 1971 – 202X. Shan has extensive consulting experience in more than 10 countries in North America & Europe. He has penned more than 100 columns in newsletters worldwide espousing the ideals of Lassiez Faire Economics.Read More...


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RIP USD: 1971 - 202X ...and the Way Forward

Books by Shanmuganathan. N

The Amazon Rainforest takes care of itself through small bushfires thus avoiding a massive fire which can take down the forest. In contrast, the Federal Reserve has been dousing the ‘economic bushfires’ for decades by raining liquidity, and in the process, pushing the USA towards an inferno i.e. the "Greater Depression".

The Amazon is now ready to burn! The dollar is on the edge of a precipice and 

Gold is ready to run up to $24,00

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