Shelly Aggarwal

Shelly Aggarwal was born on 26 June 1983 in the Pilkhuwa town of Ghaziabad district. Her mother, Smt. Kamlesh Aggarwal, was a teacher of Hindi and Sanskrit. Now she is a homemaker, and her father, Mr. Rohitash Aggarwal, is a cloth merchant. Shelly's graduate education took place in the Pilkhuwa town itself. She was very interested in studying Hindi and psychology. She took her Hindi education from her mother and did her master's in psychology from S.D. College, Ghaziabad. Shelly had a desire to become a psychologist and so she became a clinical psychologist two years after completing her PG diRead More...


तुम पढ़ी लिखी मैं अनपढ़ सा

Books by शैली अग्रवाल

ये लेखिका की प्रथम पुस्तक है।और इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से लेखिका ने अपने मन‌ के सच्चे भाव लेखनी में संजोए हैं।वो चाहे प्रेम पर हो दोस्ती उदासी या भगवान के लिए। इसमें इन्होंने यह बता

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बहू का बीमार होना

By Shelly Aggarwal in Humour | Reads: 4,551 | Likes: 1

आज हम 21वीं सदी में जी रहे हैं किंतु अभी भी हमारी सोच 18वीं और 19वीं सदी वाली है ऐसा नहीं कि हर व्यक्ति की ऐसी सोच है पर ऐस  Read More...

Published on Oct 2,2022 10:38 PM

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