Shivanakere Basavalingappa

Literary Works and PublicationsTranslations of the Autobiography of Maganur BasappaPublisher: Taralabalu PublicationsNityanandakke Niti-Prithi BookA Companion Book for Joy and ProsperityUpcoming Publications: Tolstoy, Nade-Nudi, Dhammapada in the PresentThe Game of Life by Swami Tejomayananda, Chairman of Chinmaya MissionVibhishana GitaPublisher: Chinmaya Mission, BangaloreTowards Independence: Swaraj - A Social TransformationPublisher: Community, DharwadCollections of Environment, Spirituality, Love, and Social Concern ArticlesViveka Prabha by Mysore Ramakrishna AshramMahamane by Sharan SahitRead More...


Wisdom for Life

Books by Shivanakere Basavalingappa

The book “Fruitful Co-Journey of Bliss and Abundance,” which dear friend Sri Basavalingappa has collected from various sources, is a thoughtful handbook that fosters a love for life and fills it with zest. At the end of this book, he explains the pro-life programs of his organization, ‘Karuna Jeeva Kalyana Trust.’ He has set an ideal example, demonstrating that it is not enough to speak good words; they must also be seen in action. Just as the sanctity

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