Shobha Mudigonda

Handful of Moon is the debut novel of Shobha. Even though she has written various stories earlier, this is the first time that she has been compelled to publish a story. She felt that this story needs to be told. This story was born out of the loneliness and the longing that we all experience at some or the other time in our lives. This shows the journey of a woman who overcomes societal taboos and unrealistic obligations that are expected of her and how she chooses to finally put herself first after years of suppressing her happiness. Writing this book was a transformative experience for the Read More...


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Handful of Moon

Books by Shobha Mudigonda

This is the unique story of two lonely souls brought together mysteriously by the conspiring universe on an unusually beautiful journey.

J is a famous young superstar at the peak of his career who falls in love with Yogini, a well-known author with many popular books to her credit. 

When a production company brings them together for a movie project based on her book, destiny intervenes…

Yogini is sceptical about their relationship owing

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