Sonal Chokshi

Born and raised in Kolkata, Sonal married and lived in Mumbai, India, before migrating to New Zealand. Then Australia beckoned and her family travelled to Perth, where they are now settled. Her diverse experiences have enriched her poems with authenticity and depth. She uses language in a masterful way to create poems that are both thought-provoking and moving. In the book, she explores themes of racism and empowerment, often focusing on her own growth as a human in a fallible world. The Queen, Racism and Me is a testament to Sonal's need to frame the world as it is and urge us all to reflect Read More...


The Queen, Racism and Me

Books by Sonal Chokshi

Sonal's poetry is unique in its ability to capture the complex experiences of migrants. She writes with honesty and compassion, while also challenging readers to confront the realities of racism, discrimination, and social injustice. Each poem in this collection invites readers to pause and reflect.

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