V Subramanian

The author has had varied experience from Engineering industry to Import/Export, Insurance, teaching, managing his companies, along with years of experience in senior management in several companies in UK, India and USA; and, finally, as Practice Manager in GP surgeries. After retirement, he worked for his wife's company as Company Secretary, Accountant and as an all 'odd jobs' person. Writing the first book, General Practice Management took about 3 years before it was published in 2014. It was about Admin Management in GP practices. A review of the book reads as follows: I read with great intRead More...


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Conflicts & Harmony

Books by V S Mani

This story starts with the hero’s father from Britain fighting in the trenches during the Second World War in Burma. He is brought back to Calcutta for treatment after being wounded, where he meets and later marries a Bengali journalist, to whom Simon is born.

Growing up and running a successful investment company in Calcutta, Simon’s fortunes and future changes when he meets a business Moghul Alan from the UK and starts working for him from

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Wishful Dreams

Books by V S Mani

The novel quite impressively brings out the life in the 50s in the UK. It paints a vivid picture of how the issues of race and colour were prevalent under the surface, despite Britain’s fight against apartheid. The hero navigates the various sensitive issues carefully and, at times, intellectually and psychologically to build friendships. 

Wishful Dreams is a story of love as it depicts how the protagonist had to use a lot of effort and some

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Whirlpool Life

Books by V S Mani

Set in 1950s’ Madras, the story revolves around Anand and Priya, who briefly interacted when they lived in an orphanage fleetingly during their childhood.

In his search for Priya, Anand comes across the Kesavans. A warm family, they are benevolence personified who take him in as their own almost immediately. The story slowly unravels as life throws up several challenges for Anand and the people in his life.

Thriving on complex human feelings,

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