Vaishali Alluri

Vaishali Alluri is a final year Indian autistic student at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. She is a passionate writing enthusiast who depicts the lived experiences of various narratives on the spectrum and other literary topics. When she is not writing, she sings, takes care of animals, paints, captures moments with her camera, and makes podcasts about varied languages and cultures. She is an avid contributor to extra-curricular activities at her university. She aspires to write more in the future about unconventional stories of unheard chronicles from societies in need of a voiRead More...


The Whispered Outcries

Books by Vaishali Alluri

Whispered outcries unfurls: 
The verses of an odyssey is a vivid tapestry of the lived-experience with unflinching honesty. Through its verses, you'll navigate the unspoken raw emotions and complexities of a world often misunderstood. This collection is a daring leap into the depths of the spectrum, where each poem resonates with the struggle for acceptance and identity. It's not just a book—it's an invitation to understand, and to find beauty in the div

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