Viren Thakkar

Viren Thakkar is a young writer who is dedicated to his writing career.  Since coming from a middle-class family in India, he has felt and experienced all three classes in his life, and can depict all the many types of human feelings with his writing. He does not see things just ‘as they are’; instead, he observes them with a 360 degree viewpoint. He finds love and life in everything around him and puts them on paper in his own words. Viren took 4 years to write his first novel, My Journey From Nothing to Everything. He enjoys the companionship of himself. He has a professionaRead More...


My Journey

Books by Viren Thakkar

·         What if you are born as a beggar, but you have high ambitions?

·         What if you start a business, but you have a tough competitor who can do anything to defeat you?

·         What if you are trapped as a murder suspect in the case of a stranger?


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