Yogi Sakha

Holistic Health & Happiness Coach
Holistic Health & Happiness Coach

Yogi Sakha, a Holistic & Integral Lifestyle Coach, champions the idea that limitlessness and spirituality are our birthright. He states that our prejudiced minds do not allow us to awaken to our true nature and potential. Through his foundation, Funtastic Life, Yogi Sakha is on a mission to share the transformative power of spirituality and scientific principles to manifest our limitless potential.Read More...


आनंद लीला

Books by योगी सखा

आनंद लीला- सखा मोक्षवाणी   मोक्ष या मुक्ति को गहराई से समझने और जीवन में उतारने का  सफर है. यह  मोक्ष या मुक्ति की प्रचिलत और परम्परागत  व्याख्या, मतलब, जीवन-मृत्यु के चक्र से छुटका

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