
A. Maharajan hails from Tirunelveli and presently works as a Subdivisional Engineer in BSNL, Trichy. He is quite fond of Tamil literature and loves writing poems and short stories. He used to write a lot during his college days. After he started working, as he was preoccupied with lot of official and personal works, there was a huge gap between his writings. Now, after his active participation in social media – encouraged by the appreciation – he started writing poems and sharing them with his friends and followers through WhatsApp, Facebook and blogs.Read More...


Kanaa Kanda Kaalam

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Kanaa Kanda Kaalam is a compilation of Tamil poems written by A. Maharajan. The theme of the poems ranges from love, society, nature, and politics to life. All these poems were already well-received by a lot of readers through social media such as Facebook, Facebook and WhatsApp groups, Google+, etc.

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