Ajay Gupte

Ajay has been associated with the banking and financial services industry for almost two and a half decades. Blessed with opportunities to work with some of the most reputed organizations in the industry, Ajay has traveled across continents. His passion for people management always inspired him to look for stories beyond the faces. In his view, even an ordinary man has some extraordinary virtues for others to learn. He believes that this journey to understand people and view them through a different lens has no finishing line and will keep him going for a long time.Read More...


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Books by Ajay Gupte

'Kernels: Stories of People With a Softer Core’ is a compilation of fifteen short stories. Each of these stories revolves around a strong character who is otherwise like any ordinary man across the street. However, his strong commitment to the cause is the differentiator and creates an ascendancy within his circle of influence. Many of these characters could be your neighbors, friends, or acquaintances who went unnoticed but continued to lead a life w

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The Peerless

Books by Ajay Gupte

‘The Peerless –Uncommon Stories of Common Man’ is a compilation of 9 short stories. Each of these stories revolve round a strong character, who otherwise was like any ordinary man across the street. Many of these characters could be your neighbours, friends or acquaintances who went unnoticed but continued to lead a life with their principles and contribute to the society in some way or the other. These, and many such people, would inspire us to think be

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