Akshita Nagloor

Akshita Nagloor is a fifteen-year-old student who has a passion for literature. She lives in a world of books and art and strives for perfection in her creations. Writing is one of her hobbies, along with a bundle of other pastimes. Born and brought up in Hyderabad, her aim is to major in architecture from Parsons School of Design. Her only goal is to create something that matters to her and to the world.Read More...


The Last Dance

Books by Akshita Nagloor

“After watching both the performances, the judges have come to make a decision.” Caesar's gaze flickers between the audience, the judge panel and us. He takes in a deep breath and continues as I cross my fingers and close my eyes tightly.

“The scores have tied. So, there will be a face-off between USA and Russia.”

Oh. Crud.

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