Alisha Bhupen


Alisha is an ordinary 24-year-old girl living in Bangalore. Writing, by all intentions, was therapy to her, a way to let out things she felt but couldn’t or wouldn’t really speak out. Over the years, it became more than just a means to cope and became something she enjoyed. This book has taken a decade in the making. Some pieces are personal, some aren’t, but they are all general human experiences she has felt, experienced, seen, and observed. The decision to write poems was not intentional; it was just a natural course that her creativity took towards finding what her soul was worth.Read More...


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Sentiments of an Ordinary Girl

Books by Alisha Bhupen

We all want to belong. Somewhere, maybe to someone. If you find a single moment of relatability while reading Sentiments of an Ordinary Girl and feel less alone for a second, or feel joyous, or even acceptance, then know that you have a friend in me, that there is someone, somewhere on this planet, who cares. 

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