Aman Joy Pal

Aman Joy Pal is a Wordsmith whose passions include molding  words along with a vivid interest in food, poetry and music
Aman Joy Pal is a Wordsmith whose passions include molding  words along with a vivid interest in food, poetry and music

Aman Joy Pal is a Wordsmith whose passions include molding  words along with a vivid interest in food, poetry and music. Hailing from Dehradun, this  young engineer from the Valley  hopes to revive the love for poetry in today’s youth with his maiden compilation. Read More...


Again We Rise

Books by Aman Joy Pal

Wow! It’s great you've turned it around and are now trying to actually scan what this book is about.

Well you’ve done the right thing, I know you too want to rise in life but you can’t until you cut yourself lose from what is holding you back. This poetry compilation has 31 two minute sing-a-song poems about day to day feelings and emotions bound to make your day.

You will eventually figure out how to come out of your woes but as of now you

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