Amarendra Kumar Jha

The author Dr. Amarendra Kumar is a qualified medical professional, a practicing physician from Darbhanga, Bihar. Apart from being an astute learner of medical science, the author has been a passionate learner of Hindi literature throughout his life. He started this new journey of Hindi poetry with sincerity in the last one year, although writing has been his long-time habit. This new journey was like a pious voyage to his inner self and, through it, across everything that he can visualize. As a poet, he deals with all kinds of emotions that a person comes across during his day-to-day life. HRead More...


अनहद पलों में

Books by अमरेंद्र कुमार झा

अनायास और सायास कुछेक विशिष्ट शब्दों और भावों में लिपटे मन के उदगार घनीभूत होकर व्यक्त होने को विकल, कागज़ के कैनवास पर चित्रित होने लगते तथा इन्हीं शब्द चित्रों का उत्स अनहद पलो

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