Anoushka Thapar and Sarah Choudhary

From a very young age, expressing the unsaid with a stroke of her brush has been Sarah Choudhary’s talent. The ideas in her mind portray themselves through her paintings of a story on the canvas. For her, paint is the medium of speech. Art express those emotions, which for her, words cannot capture. This lends a unique perspective to her ideas. This eighteen-year-old, an ex-Welhamite, is currently studying spatial design and Architecturein Central Saint Martin, University of Arts, London. She is a passionate basketball player and an accomplished classical dancer. For Anoushka Thapar, expRead More...


Shades of Silence

Books by Anoushka Thapar And Sarah Choudhary

This book is a compilation of thoughts and experiences that are visualised in a series of lyrical writings, poems and artworks. The idea is to juxtapose sketches both in colour and ink, artistic and literate, to create a narrative.

This narrative attempts at charting the readers’ thoughts through the mundane and mysterious contemplations on the everyday experiences and the feelings of young people growing up in India. The aspirations, yearnings and fru

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