Anurag Gautam

A fleeting thought, an unspoken wish and a keen observation are exactly what this new poet on the block brings to you. Born and brought up in India, he comes with his first book of poems, which is a compilation of genres from various extremes of life. Anurag Gautam, an engineer with an MBA degree, takes a detour and writes what every heart struggles with. It is his words encapsulating your stories of struggles with love, life, distance and what not. Beautifully composed, his poems will leave you speechless and maybe jostle up your sleeping inner poet and love for Hindi. As he also has a keenRead More...


चाहत उस जहाँ की

Books by अनुराग गौतम

शब्द, जिसके होते हैं,

भावनाएं भी उसकी होती हैं।


राधा बनना है या मीरा बनना है

ये राह प्रेम एसी है

जिसे खुद ही चुनना है,

बनने को तुम, रुक्मणि ही बन जाओ

बस दरकार

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