Dr. D. Anwar Basha

Dr. Anwar Basha Dudekula, Project Fellow, UGC-CAS-I*, published 15 research articles, participated in 30 seminars/conferences. As a biological anthropologist, Dr. Anwar motivates in epidemiological studies.    Dr. KSN Reddy*, Associate Professor*, published 3 books, 52 research articles and participated in 51 seminars/conferences. His research interests are– Epidemiology, Clinical Nutrition and Human Genetics. Dr. Reddy guided 2 PhDs and guiding for 2 PhDs and 1 Post-Doc. He completed 2 research projects and organized one national seminar. *Dept. of Anthropology, Sri VenkateswaRead More...


Effect of Body Mass Index on Blood Glucose

Books by Dr. Anwar Basha And Dr. KSN Reddy

Several factors are responsible for the causation of CVDs; when considered in isolation, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are associated with increased risk of the development of CVDs. Numerous studies in developing countries suggest that CVD risk factors may be related to socioeconomic status and urbanization. India being multiethnic and multilingual, with its unique population structure based on the caste system and there is an extensive disparity in thei

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