Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC)

Belinda MacInnes asserts that masterful coaching has universal application, no matter where or with whom we practise. She asserts, “Let us not do coaching as nation-states, instead, let us ensure coaching is global.” Mark Sng invites the reader to revisit the issues of the day that impact the meaning and quality of life for each of us wherever we live and whatever our station in life. Kartik Vyas discusses integrating aspects of yoga psychology into coaching like 3 building blocks of our personality, 5 types of minds, 8 subconscious predispositions, 5 factors causing all human problems, reRead More...


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Book of Wisdom

Books by Asia Pacific Alliance Of Coaches (APAC)

Explore APAC’s Pearls of Wisdom!

The Asia Pacific region’s philosophies and teachings are a treasure-trove that can transform people and their lives with its profoundness. These timeless, irreplaceable insights are valuable for humankind and priceless for a coach. 

The multiplicity of thoughts in this book with its variety of perspectives and substantive contemplation aims to awaken your promise, provide you food for thought, steering

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