
Arihaan is an engineer by trade but remains consumed by his most faithful mistress — writing. He has spent his blessed childhood in the beautiful valley of Dehradun, surrounded by the works of Tagore and Keats, which eventually pressed him towards a humble beginning as an artist.   The author wishes to pursue a full-time career as a novelist, and with his first book A Myriad of Colours, is stepping up to live up to that dream.Read More...


A Myriad of Colours

Books by Arihaan

Encasing the turning colours of the leaves, A Myriad of Colours travels through the changing seasons, drawing parallels between the arrival of spring after the sombre winters and mankind’s waltz with life. The book is a collection of nine fascinating short stories that portray the journey of human emotions through grief, sorrow, love, and joy with unflinching realism. Drawing from a traveller's life-changing bus journey, the tales narrate the troubl

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