Arjun Mittal

Arjun is a passionate writer of fantasy fiction; he has also drawn all the pictures in the book. He runs a YouTube channel called "Drawing with Juni," in which he teaches drawing. He is currently in Grade 7 at Oberoi International School, Mumbai. The first book in this series - The Vampire Overlord - is available on Kindle.  Read More...


Dormando Towers 2

Books by Arjun Mittal

The school is overrun by the creatures of Karabor! Some of the children and the headmaster are captured, leaving Marcus and Robbert behind in the new Dormando. Unexpectedly, the two of them come upon a wandering goblin who offers to help them journey to Karabor to rescue their friends. Will Marcus and Robbert survive the many perils and succeed in rescuing their friends, or will they meet a bloody death in the arena of the stronghold, at the hands of a horrify

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